Product Spotlight: GeckoPly™
GeckoPly™ is our termite resistant hardwood plywood. Our GeckoPly panels use a custom PreserveTech IT Plus® insecticide that is added to the ULEF resin to protect it from pests such as termites and borers. Between each layer of veneer, there is a layer of adhesive which allows the insecticide in the resin to transfer from the glue line into the veneer from the energy of the curing process. Besides the custom glue blend, GeckoPly stands out from the competition because the wood is treated to a concentration that meets the Australian/New Zealand H2 standard, the toughest standard for termite resistance in the world.
Still not convinced of GeckoPly’s ability to withstand termites? Mississippi State University conducted an independent 4 week study from November 2020 to December 2020 on the effectiveness of GeckoPly and the results were fascinating. Any product scoring above a 7 on the 1-10 scale is considered to have termite resistance. As you can see in the test photos below, Timber Product’s Maple GeckoPly withstood the test and was shown to be a tough competitor against ACQ Southern Yellow Pine, with only a 2.95% loss of mass and having a rating of 9.8 out of 10 for its ability to withstand pests. ACQ Southern Yellow Pine also received a score of 9.8 out of 10. The last group of test photos show how untreated Southern Yellow Pine doesn’t stand a chance against termites and with a loss of 26.3% of its mass and a rating of 6 out of 10. In the test, the Timber Products treated panels killed 100% of the termites showing just how effective its ability to not only withstand them, but discourage them from coming back.
Unlike ACQ Treated wood that is typically used in outdoor applications, GeckoPly has many indoor applications such as kitchen cabinets, paneling, furniture and architectural woodwork, to name a few. The Preserve IT Tech Plus blend doesn’t change the color of the wood and can be added to any veneer species. If you are interested in learning more about GeckoPly or would like to know where you can buy it, contact Cari Junker, at [email protected].